Institute of Health Science

Admission Overview

Moraa Educational Complex offers a practical, secure environment in which girls and young women can be educated according to Islamic and Afghan values, to a high educational standard and based on modern teaching methods. The programs offered by institute of health science are well planned and designed based on in deep analysis and research with emphasis on knowledge assimilation, practical applications, global and industrial relevance.

Moraa Institute of Health Science has the support of national and international Institutes:

  • Private Hospital Association
  • Midwives Associations

 List of programs:

  1. Nursing
  2. Midwifery
  3. Pharmacy
  4. Teeth Prosthesis
  5. Medical technology
  6. Anesthesia
  7. Radiology
  8. Physiotherapy

Admissions Requirement:

  1. 6 passport size photographs
  2. 4 Copies of National Identity Card
  3. 4 copies of 12th Grade certificate

Admissions Contact:

Institute Admissions
Phone: 0748303030 | 0771110222

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